Anno 2070 DLC Complete Pack

Pro hraní je potřeba mít základní hru Anno 2070.

Tento balíček obsahuje prozatím všechny vydaná DLC.

The Development Package (bonus missions) The Guardian Package (new buildings) The Eden Series Package (ornamental buildings and decorations) The Central Statistical Package (new building skins) The Crisis Response Package (two new missions) The Distrust Series Package (ornamental buildings and decorations) The Silent Running Package (nuclear submarine and exclusive skin) The Nordamark Line Package (buildings and skins) The E.V.E. Package (UI overhaul) The Eden Project (world event) The Nordamark Border Conflict (world event) Global Distrust (world event)

en Produkt je dostupný v anglické lokalizaci, neobsahuje češtinu.
24 Produkt vám bude doručen nejpozději do 24H. Běžně do 2H.
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